Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Amazing Spider Man

That's the name of the new Spider Movie. On the picture the star of the movie already in position and in costume.

Monday, February 14, 2011

O Fenômeno


About C. S. Lewis

This was an answer to a query that I've made of Harvest Ministries about the validity of C. S. Lewis' Christianity, in view that there are many radical christian often criticize C. S. Lewis, calling him a heretic and a liar. Judge by yourself.

Hello Andre:

My name is Jim and I serve on the Correspondence Team here at Harvest Christian Fellowship. I will be responding to your email on behalf of Pastor Greg and his staff. I see no reason to think that C. S. Lewis was anything but the Christian believer that he purported to be. Even though some of his books contain witch characters and the like, they were used allegorically to capture the interest of his reading audience. To my knowledge his books are based upon his deep rooted Christian beliefs and contain many Biblical references. According to the biographical notes contained on the cslewis.com website, “On May 20, 1925, Lewis was appointed Fellow and Tutor in English Literature at Oxford University, where he served for twenty-nine years until 1954. During his time at Oxford, Lewis went from being an atheist to being one of the most influential Christian writers of the 20th century; 1931 marks the year of Lewis's conversion to Christianity. He became a member of the Church of England. Lewis cites his friendship with J. R. R. Tolkien, as well as the writings of the converted G. K. Chesterton, as influencing his conversion.”

Here are a few quotes by C.S. Lewis that reveal to me his love for His Creator, God.

A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell.

C. S. Lewis

Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.

C. S. Lewis

God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.

C. S. Lewis

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.

C. S. Lewis

There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, "Thy will be done," and those to whom God says, "All right, then, have it your way."

C. S. Lewis

Andre, people can say anything they want, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they are speaking the truth. Unfortunately, there is not “truth” filter on my internet browser. I wish there would be though…. C.S. Lewis was a wonderfully gifted writer and expositor. I am certain that many people have come to faith in Christ because of his books. I am equally as certain that many Christians have become more mature in their walk with the Lord because of Mr. Lewis insight and God-given wisdom.

In closing, I have included here a review of Lewis’ The Last Battle from a Biblical perspective. Titled accordingly, The Last Battle is the final chapter in the “Chronicles of Narnia” series by C.S. Lewis. As it happens, a clever ape and a not-so-clever donkey discover the hide of a lion. The poor donkey sees the hide as a mere curiosity, but his companion senses an opportunity for gain. With a stitch of a sewing needle here and there, reasons the ape, his donkey friend could be made to look like a lion—and no ordinary lion, mind you, but as the great Aslan himself! The deception works and the disheartened creatures of Narnia are fooled by this counterfeit Aslan who, by his decrees, begins delivering the good land and its citizens into the hands of her enemies.

Lewis was a master storyteller, but more importantly, he was a brilliant Christian apologist who truly believed the prophetic writings of Scripture. The distinguished Oxford professor began his academic career as a staunch atheist, but a thorough examination of the Bible led him to become, in his own words, “the most reluctant convert in London.” Apart from the inspired writers of Scripture, no Christian author is quoted more widely or esteemed more highly than C.S. Lewis.

The Last Battle symbolizes the climactic ending of Antichrist’s reign of terror when King Jesus triumphantly returns to establish His worldwide kingdom from Jerusalem (Revelation 18-22). Readers are kindly spared the usual eschatological arguments concerning the timing of the rapture; thankfully, Lewis omits all the pre-, mid-, and post-tribulation guesswork. What we have is a gripping allegory representing our Lord’s Second Coming minus some of the more speculative details. There is plenty of suspense and intrigue, twists and turns, and imaginative writing for captivating the restless hearts and minds of young readers—and older readers, too!

Andre, thank you for writing to us. I hope we have adequately answered your questions and have removed any doubt as to the authenticity of Lewis Christian-based writings. May God richly bless you and keep you.

In His Service,


Correspondence Team

It's Here...

iTunes Trailers page:

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HD Trailer on YouTube:

Have fun!


If it isn't already apparent that Stargate Universe (a.k.a. SGU) is not your big brother's Stargate, all doubt disappears when a Nick Drake sound-alike song called "Don't Forget to Breathe" makes its way onto the soundtrack near the end of "Air," the three-episode pilot that unveils this new series. The stargate itself--an artificially created "wormhole" through which one can instantly travel to different worlds light-years away--is still around, but much else has changed. Gone, for the most part, are the rough-and-tumble adventures that were the specialty of SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, SGU's popular predecessors. Gone, too, are insouciant but charismatic and intrepid leaders like SG-1's Col. Jack O'Neill (Richard Dean Anderson does make several cameo appearances in that role in the course of these 20 episodes, offered here on six discs) and Atlantis's Col. John Sheppard, along with such memorable and monstrous alien nemeses as the Goa'uld, the Wraith, and the Replicators. In their places, in addition to a new ongoing story line, is a rather less conventional approach, featuring a more minimalist vibe and an entirely fresh cast of earnest, intense, mostly youthful characters battling personal demons and complex interpersonal relationships (including some involving, gasp, gay couples), along with a myriad of technical issues more typical of sci-fi shows. Sprinkle in a few more sensitive tunes of the kind you'd encounter on a nighttime soap opera, and you've got what might be called the emo Stargate.

If this all sounds very serious, well, these folks have a lot to be serious about. Very early on, the "Icarus Base" is under alien attack, forcing military and civilian personnel alike to escape through the stargate. They end up aboard Destiny, a massive ship that's millions of years old and was once the property of the omniscient master race known as the Ancients. Not only do our characters barely know how to operate the ship, they also have no idea where they are, except that it's billions of light-years from Earth. It's the responsibility of the two main men, Col. Everett Young (Justin Louis) and scientist Dr. Nicholas Rush (Robert Carlyle), to figure out how to get everyone home safely, a task that dominates the series' overall arc. That dicey proposition is complicated considerably by ceaseless internecine conflict on the ship, much of it between soldiers and civilians (typified by Young and Rush, both of whom are self-righteous, utterly humorless, and not especially likable). Much of the action takes place on Destiny, but there are occasional excursions to various planets in search of water and other supplies; there are also trips to Earth made possible by magical "communication stones" that allow users to exchange bodies with folks on the other end. As is the case with many new programs, SGU takes a while to hit its stride, but when that happens about a third of the way into the season, the results are often quite exciting; SGU may not be as much fun as the earlier shows, but it's still well written and entertaining, with excellent production values, good special effects, and some two hours' worth of bonus material.

Sam Graham


Big Brother Brasil...

Crônica de Luiz Fernando Veríssimo

Que me perdoem os ávidos telespectadores do Big Brother Brasil (BBB), produzido e organizado pela nossa distinta Rede Globo, mas conseguimos chegar ao fundo do poço...A décima primeira (está indo longe!) edição do BBB é uma síntese do que há de pior na TV brasileira. Chega a ser difícil,... encontrar as palavras adequadas para qualificar tamanho atentado à nossa modesta inteligência.

Dizem que em Roma, um dos maiores impérios que o mundo conheceu, teve seu fim marcado pela depravação dos valores morais do seu povo, principalmente pela banalização do sexo. O BBB é a pura e suprema banalização do sexo. Impossível assistir, ver este programa ao lado dos filhos. Gays, lésbicas, heteros... todos, na mesma casa, a casa dos “heróis”, como são chamados por Pedro Bial. Não tenho nada contra gays, acho que cada um faz da vida o que quer, mas sou contra safadeza ao vivo na TV, seja entre homossexuais ou heterosexuais. O BBB é a realidade em busca do IBOPE...

Veja como Pedro Bial tratou os participantes do BBB. Ele prometeu um “zoológico humano divertido” . Não sei se será divertido, mas parece bem variado na sua mistura de clichês e figuras típicas.

Pergunto-me, por exemplo, como um jornalista, documentarista e escritor como Pedro Bial que, faça-se justiça, cobriu a Queda do Muro de Berlim, se submete a ser apresentador de um programa desse nível. Em um e-mail que recebi há pouco tempo, Bial escreve maravilhosamente bem sobre a perda do humorista Bussunda referindo-se à pena de se morrer tão cedo. Eu gostaria de perguntar, se ele não pensa que esse programa é a morte da cultura, de valores e princípios, da moral, da ética e da dignidade.

Outro dia, durante o intervalo de uma programação da Globo, um outro repórter acéfalo do BBB disse que, para ganhar o prêmio de um milhão e meio de reais, um Big Brother tem um caminho árduo pela frente, chamando-os de heróis. Caminho árduo? Heróis? São esses nossos exemplos de heróis?

Caminho árduo para mim é aquele percorrido por milhões de brasileiros: profissionais da saúde, professores da rede pública (aliás, todos os professores), carteiros, lixeiros e tantos outros trabalhadores incansáveis que, diariamente, passam horas exercendo suas funções com dedicação, competência e amor, quase sempre mal remunerados...

Heróis, são milhares de brasileiros que sequer têm um prato de comida por dia e um colchão decente para dormir e conseguem sobreviver a isso, todo santo dia. Heróis, são crianças e adultos que lutam contra doenças complicadíssimas porque não tiveram chance de ter uma vida mais saudável e digna. Heróis, são aqueles que, apesar de ganharem um salário mínimo, pagam suas contas, restando apenas dezesseis reais para alimentação, como mostrado em outra reportagem apresentada, meses atrás pela própria Rede Globo.

O Big Brother Brasil não é um programa cultural, nem educativo, não acrescenta informações e conhecimentos intelectuais aos telespectadores, nem aos participantes, e não há qualquer outro estímulo como, por exemplo, o incentivo ao esporte, à música, à criatividade ou ao ensino de conceitos como valor, ética, trabalho e moral. E ai vem algum psicólogo de vanguarda e me diz que o BBB ajuda a "entender o comportamento humano". Ah, tenha dó!!!

Veja o que está por detra$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ do BBB: José Neumani da Rádio Jovem Pan, fez um cálculo de que se vinte e nove milhões de pessoas ligarem a cada paredão, com o custo da ligação a trinta centavos, a Rede Globo e a Telefônica arrecadam oito milhões e setecentos mil reais. Eu vou repetir: oito milhões e setecentos mil reais a cada paredão. Já imaginaram quanto poderia ser feito com essa quantia se fosse dedicada a programas de inclusão social: moradia, alimentação, ensino e saúde de muitos brasileiros? (Poderiam ser feitas mais de 520 casas populares; ou comprar mais de 5.000 computadores!) Essas palavras não são de revolta ou protesto, mas de vergonha e indignação, por ver tamanha aberração ter milhões de telespectadores.

Em vez de assistir ao BBB, que tal ler um livro, um poema de Mário Quintana ou de Neruda ou qualquer outra coisa..., ler a Bíblia, orar, meditar, passear com os filhos, ir ao cinema..., estudar..., ouvir boa música..., cuidar das flores e jardins... , telefonar para um amigo..., visitar os avós..., pescar..., brincar com as crianças..., namorar... ou simplesmente dormir.

Assistir ao BBB é ajudar a Globo a ganhar rios de dinheiro e destruir o que ainda resta dos valores sobre os quais foi construída nossa sociedade.