Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Why Jericho was cancelled

SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 2009

posted by The Vidiot @ 1:54 PM Permalink

If you haven't ordered Jericho on your Netflix yet, do it. It's a VERY good show and unusually seditious... which is why I think it was canceled. It's not perfect mind you. It still goes on about saving the United States, but it does point out the more glaring contradictions in the system.

So, last night, Mr. Vidiot and I were finally getting around to watching the last few episodes on Joost and both of us were stunned by one of the scenes.

Not to ruin too much of the plot line, our hero Jake (played oddly well by Skeet Ulrich) is being Gitmo'd by a commander working for the provisional government that has been formed several months after 23 US cities were destroyed by nuclear bombs. By this point in the series, Jericho has withstood radiation fallout, an EMP blast, thieving criminals, a resource war with a neighboring town, and a multitude of threats from both random bad guys and organized bad guys. One of the organized bad guy groups is a Brown and Root/Halliburton knockoff called Jennings and Rall/Ravenwood. Well, anyway, while Jake is being Gitmo'd, in his haze, he starts to hallucinate a conversation with his grandfather that goes something like this (and this is transcribed by memory and various resources on the web that recount the scene so it's not exact):
Jake says, "It's not a matter of convincing one man that he's wrong. It's a whole system!"

"You think it's impossible?" his grandfather asks and then adds that it's all happened before, "If the names weren't Jennings and Rall, they would be names like The British East India Trading Company. If it wasn't Ravenwood, it would be The Hessian Mercenaries. It all comes down to the same thing."

Jake looks up at his grandfather. "Revolution," he realizes.

His grandfather nods, smiling and repeats what Jake said "Revolution."
And THAT'S why the show got canceled. It shows people working together and fighting back against corrupt corporations and a corrupt government. Granted, in the show, they're doing it to restore the US government, which out here in reality land is the corrupt and wholly owned subsidiary of the multi-national and trans-national corporation complex, but hey, nothing is perfect.

How this show got by the censors and why is anyone's guess.

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