Friday, April 1, 2011

One of the worst movies of all time...

Beware, one of the worst movies of all time is here... And the unbelievable thing is that a lot of people like it, and consider it to be a good movie... Well, that's to show you in what a sad situation we are in today, and the reason why movie standards have become so low, even though we have had some really going movies out there lately like AVATAR, STAR TREK, IRON MAN among others. This movie is a testament to the way our society is crumbling, and values are being turned over... A movie that supposedly is a criticism against racism and prejudice, but which is a racist movie in itself, and makes full and open use of cliches and erroneous and ridiculous archetypes, including in this even its own heroes and victims... I'm talking about 'Machete', a movie which I was completely disgusted right after watching it, which made me throw away the DVD! After watching this movie, I won't have the same respect for the actors in it anymore, a hing like this could be very well expected of actors like Steven Seagal, Cheech Martin and Danny Trejo himself, but I was totally disappointed to see Robert DeNiro doing a terrible piece of crap like this, and Jessica Alba too, but specially DeNiro. Total disapointment. No surprise in seeing Lindsey Lohan being a real literal bitch. Don't watch it, it will be a totally, completely and absolute waste of your time! Watch the next movie instead...

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